How to Set Up "Out of Page" Formats with Google Ad Manager

"Out of Page" formats are types which don't occupy inline space like a traditional banner ad. They may float over the page, affix themselves to a specific part of the page, or do none of the above. Some ParkAve formats that fit this definition are the:

  • Billboard
  • Billboard with Video
  • Sticky Note

A little additional setup is required to make these formats display properly.

Step 1 

Place this code after the opening of the <body> tag of the website where the Out of Page ad will appear. You'll only need to do this once for the lifetime of ParkAve usage.

<script src=""></script>

Step 2

In Google Ad Manager, make sure the Ad Unit that is being used to serve the Out of Page ad is set up as an Out of Page Ad Unit.

This is as simple as creating a unit (perhaps called Out of Page) and exporting its code, being sure to mark it as an Out of Page unit during export. Google Ad Manager provides instructions on that here:

Place that ad unit on the page where the Out of Page creative will be appearing.

Step 3

From within ParkAve, click "My Creatives" at the top of the screen. Hover over the Out of Page unit and click "Get Code."

On the Export Creative popup, copy the ad code.

Step 5

When setting up a new creative in Google Ad Manager, copy the code from the last step into a new " Custom" creative type.

Final Step

Paste the code into the Custom Ad Unit window and make sure the "Target Ad Unit Size" field is set to "Out of Page"

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